After announcing the "separation" of the Philippines from one of its long-time allies the United States, President Rodrigo Duterte caused quite the diplomatic concern as he struck a chord that resonated globally.

Many were left scrambling for answers as to why Duterte made a huge decision within just months after he was seated as the president of the Philippines and engaging a further relationship with China and Russia.


People have tried to decipher what Duterte really meant when he made the resounding statement, but clarified that the country isn't "severing ties" from the U.S. He said "It is not severance of ties. When you say severance of ties, you cut diplomatic relations. I cannot do that," he told reporters after arriving back home in Davao.

What Duterte really meant is far from what most people think. Some have expressed their concern in Duterte's decision, but it appears that he has carefully thought about the decision. He wants to "separate the nation from dependence on the U.S. and the West, and rebalance economic and military relations with Asian neighbors".

In this video, you will find out what Duterte's true intentions really are on announcing the separation of the country from the U.S. and what's really going on in his mind. Take a look and see for yourself!

Watch the video below :


Source: Youtube

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